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Kategoria: Zagraniczny
Nazwa: fnatic.e-spider < | >
Typ: Ladder 1vs1/FFA
Host: fnatic.e-spider
Zapisujący: WC3L.HappY, Wrzucający: iZi
Mapa: aps\Download\SecretValley_v1.1
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Gracze: 7
Długość: 14:45
Wersja: 1.20 Warcraft III - Frozen Throne
Dodano: 16:23:50, Monday 07. August 2006

10 sezon WC3L - mTw vs Fanatic - hanf vs satiini - 1 gra
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(ściągnięć: 170)

Oceny adminów


team 1 (loser   - zaznacz myszką aby zobaczyć zwycięzcę)
NightElf mTw-hanf (odśwież level) (blue | 166 APM | 2444 actions | 14:43)
Hero icon 3 Priestess of the Moon
Ability icon 1 Searing Arrows
Ability icon 2 Trueshot Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey49
Basic commands45
Build / train43
Enter build submenu15
Enter hero's abilities submenu3
Give item / drop item1
Right click1011
Select / deselect314
Select group hotkey914
Select subgroup6
Use ability43
2444 total
» hotkeys
» units
38 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Moon1
Moon Armor1

totally 2
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well7
Ancient of War4
Hunter's Hall1

totally 13
» build order
00:03 Altar of Elders
00:16 Moon Well
01:03 Ancient of War
01:33 Moon Well
02:23 Ancient of War
02:26 Hunter's Hall
02:44 Ancient of War
04:14 Moon Well
06:24 Moon Well
09:14 Ancient of War
09:30 Moon Well
12:43 Moon Well
13:23 Moon Well
» items
Scroll of Healing2
Staff of Teleportation1
Scroll of Protection1
Scroll of Town Portal1

totally 5

team 2 (winner - zaznacz myszką aby zobaczyć zwycięzcę)
NightElf fnatic.Satiini (odśwież level) (yellow | 162 APM | 2393 actions | 14:44)
Hero icon 6 Pandaren Brewmaster
Ability icon 3 Breath of Fire
Ability icon 2 Drunken Haze
Ability icon 1 Storm Earth and Fire

» actions
Assign group hotkey243
Basic commands34
Build / train48
ESC pressed4
Enter build submenu21
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item7
Right click1192
Select / deselect421
Select group hotkey343
Select subgroup5
Use ability69
2393 total
» hotkeys
» units
Glaive Thrower4
36 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Moon2
Vorpal Blades1

totally 4
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well7
Ancient of War4
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient Protector1
Tree of Life1
Ancient of Wonders2
Tree of Ages1

totally 18
» build order
00:05 Altar of Elders
00:17 Moon Well
00:56 Ancient of War
02:06 Hunter's Hall
02:22 Ancient of War
02:25 Ancient of War
02:31 Ancient of War
02:43 Moon Well
03:03 Moon Well
03:13 Moon Well
05:29 Ancient Protector
07:11 Moon Well
07:29 Tree of Life
07:41 Ancient of Wonders
07:44 Ancient of Wonders
09:29 Tree of Ages
09:33 Moon Well
09:36 Moon Well
» items
Boots of Speed1
Dust of Appearance1
Scroll of Healing2
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
Scroll of Protection1
Scroll of Town Portal1

totally 7

fnatic.e-spider, WC3L.HappY, SK.Take, mTw-DaviN, GG.Culater

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Oparte na: PHP Warcraft III Replay Parser wersja 2.2 + iZiReps. Copyright © 2003 - 2009 Juliusz 'Julas' Gonera. All rights reserved.