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Informacje ogólne

Mini Map
średnia: 7.1 /10
głosów: 9
Kategoria: High-Level Replay
Nazwa: jagger
Typ: Custom game
Host: tD.Jagger
Zapisujący: 1nF.Champ, Wrzucający: Yesterday_pl
Mapa: TurtleRock
Nie masz mapy? Zajrzyj tutaj : Zbiór map Warcrafta
Gracze: 12
Długość: 37:35
Wersja: 1.20 Warcraft III - Frozen Throne
Dodano: 15:28:12, Friday 08. December 2006

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Oceny adminów


team 1 (loser   - zaznacz myszką aby zobaczyć zwycięzcę)
Undead SPQR.FreeDoM (odśwież level) (gray | 130 APM | 4864 actions | 37:31)
Hero icon 5 Death Knight
Ability icon 3 Death Coil
Ability icon 2 Unholy Aura
Hero icon 5 Lich
Ability icon 3 Frost Nova
Ability icon 2 Dark Ritual
Hero icon 4 Pandaren Brewmaster
Ability icon 2 Breath of Fire
Ability icon 2 Drunken Haze

» actions
Assign group hotkey450
Basic commands4
Build / train116
ESC pressed3
Enter build submenu23
Enter hero's abilities submenu14
Give item / drop item21
Right click1984
Select / deselect477
Select group hotkey1097
Select subgroup377
Use ability298
4864 total
» hotkeys
» units
Obsidian Statue2
38 total
» upgrades
Destroyer Form1
Creature Carapace3
Creature Attack3

totally 7
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Halls of the Dead1
Nerubian Tower1
Black Citadel3
Sacrificial Pit1
Spirit Tower6

totally 27
» build order
00:08 Crypt
00:10 Altar of Darkness
00:33 Ziggurat
00:49 Tomb of Relics
02:16 Halls of the Dead
02:44 Graveyard
02:47 Ziggurat
02:49 Nerubian Tower
04:36 Black Citadel
04:37 Black Citadel
04:37 Black Citadel
04:45 Slaughterhouse
06:22 Slaughterhouse
06:39 Ziggurat
08:10 Sacrificial Pit
10:13 Ziggurat
12:07 Ziggurat
13:30 Ziggurat
16:47 Ziggurat
24:04 Ziggurat
24:48 Ziggurat
24:53 Spirit Tower
25:06 Spirit Tower
25:44 Spirit Tower
» items
Rod of Necromancy2
Orb of Corruption1
Potion of Healing7
Scroll of Healing13
Scroll of Town Portal6
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability5
Periapt of Vitality2

totally 36

team 2 (winner - zaznacz myszką aby zobaczyć zwycięzcę)
Human 1nF.Champ (pink | 109 APM | 4107 actions | 37:35)
Hero icon 6 Archmage
Ability icon 3 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 2 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 1 Mass Teleport
Hero icon 6 Mountain King
Ability icon 3 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 2 Thunder Clap
Ability icon 1 Avatar
Hero icon 4 Paladin
Ability icon 2 Holy Light
Ability icon 2 Divine Shield

» actions
Assign group hotkey75
Basic commands2
Build / train125
Enter build submenu34
Enter hero's abilities submenu16
Give item / drop item2
Remove unit from queue2
Right click1386
Select / deselect839
Select group hotkey1292
Select subgroup110
Use ability224
4107 total
» hotkeys
» units
Flying Machine34
70 total
» upgrades
Flak Cannons1

totally 9
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Scout Tower16
Arcane Tower2
Arcane Vault1
Lumber Mill1
Guard Tower5
Town Hall1

totally 41
» build order
00:09 Altar of Kings
00:23 Barracks
00:37 Farm
00:52 Farm
01:36 Farm
02:02 Scout Tower
02:33 Arcane Tower
03:32 Keep
03:46 Farm
04:04 Arcane Vault
04:22 Lumber Mill
04:24 Blacksmith
04:49 Farm
05:55 Castle
06:20 Workshop
06:32 Scout Tower
06:36 Scout Tower
07:07 Guard Tower
08:58 Workshop
12:39 Scout Tower
12:42 Scout Tower
12:45 Scout Tower
12:46 Scout Tower
13:09 Guard Tower
13:10 Guard Tower
13:12 Arcane Tower
13:15 Guard Tower
13:16 Scout Tower
13:18 Scout Tower
13:19 Scout Tower
13:22 Scout Tower
13:50 Guard Tower
14:43 Town Hall
18:36 Farm
18:38 Farm
19:24 Farm
22:16 Scout Tower
22:19 Scout Tower
22:21 Scout Tower
22:22 Scout Tower
22:24 Scout Tower
» items
Scroll of Regeneration2
Potion of Healing4
Scroll of Town Portal3
Staff of Sanctuary1
Boots of Speed1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1

totally 12

tD.Jagger, SPQR.Klima, Bobrastamarley, SPQR.DziDzi, Voodoo.Dragon, voodoo.jagr, Ankhes[BSTR], 1nFanTom, vOODoo.hLO, Terry-PratheTT

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Chat log

(00:12 / All) 1nF.Champ: gl
(00:15 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: gl
(00:19 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: z ankhesem grales?
(00:24 / All) 1nF.Champ: nie
(00:28 / All) 1nF.Champ: a co
(00:33 / All) 1nF.Champ: ;p
(00:37 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: widze ,ze sie opierdalales;p
(00:46 / All) 1nF.Champ: no ja weszlem na rezerwowego ;<
(00:52 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: :<
(00:57 / All) 1nF.Champ: za dava ;D
(01:05 / All) 1nF.Champ: ktory teraz pewnie oglada animal planet ;P
(01:10 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: tt
(01:27 / All) 1nF.Champ: a ty ile masz?
(01:30 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: 1-2
(01:37 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: treningi przed meczami nie sa dla mnie;p
(01:39 / All) 1nF.Champ: ja 0-2 ^^
(01:43 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: nigdy nie cwicze i jest looz
(01:47 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: dzis cwicuzlem i chuja;d
(01:47 / All) 1nF.Champ: ;D
(01:57 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: chocaz na ladku 8-2 chyba:<
(01:59 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: a tu..
(02:08 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: cos mi sie jebie:<
(02:19 / All) 1nF.Champ: oO
(02:21 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: ;]
(02:21 / All) 1nF.Champ: nice ;D

(03:20 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: lol
(03:22 / All) 1nF.Champ: ^^?
(03:27 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: nie kupilem trupow:<
(03:29 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: z/w
(03:30 / All) 1nF.Champ: ^^
(03:33 / All) 1nF.Champ: okey
(03:34 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: amsz tu czkeac kurwa

(06:02 / All) 1nF.Champ: ..

(06:48 / All) 1nF.Champ: jak mk sie zablokuje to ..
(06:53 / All) 1nF.Champ: ok ;]

(07:51 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: hmm
(07:56 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: hmu bez epx to ne ihum:<
(08:03 / All) 1nF.Champ: ta
(08:33 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: tu jestes;d
(08:35 / All) 1nF.Champ: ^^

(11:02 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: na 1 desa?:>
(11:09 / All) 1nF.Champ: ;<
(11:28 / All) 1nF.Champ: nie ywszlo ;<
(11:32 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: z deka;d

(12:58 / All) 1nF.Champ: ale ja dzisiaj jestem imba ..
(13:25 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: bez epxa to kazdy hum lipny:<
(13:49 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: lol

(14:34 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: przedadziles z towerami:<
(14:37 / All) 1nF.Champ: ^^

(15:44 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: maiels niesmiertelnosc:<
(15:46 / All) 1nF.Champ: nie
(15:48 / All) 1nF.Champ: mialem ;<

(17:06 / All) 1nF.Champ: mana ..
(17:09 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: co ehstld
(17:12 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: jest;d
(17:14 / All) 1nF.Champ: ^^

(22:33 / All) 1nF.Champ: ..
(22:41 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: nei blyo cie nigdzie;d
(22:46 / All) 1nF.Champ: ^^

(27:40 / All) 1nF.Champ: ale mala ta mapa ..
(27:41 / All) 1nF.Champ: xD
(27:43 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: nom

(37:16 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: ta smierc padny to byl zaert
(37:19 / All) 1nF.Champ: ;p
(37:22 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: maielm jej pota dac
(37:25 / All) SPQR.FreeDoM: a tu zonk
(37:31 / All) 1nF.Champ: ;<

Strona Główna: powrót do Replays'ów
Wykonano w czasie 0.019601821899414 sekund
Oparte na: PHP Warcraft III Replay Parser wersja 2.2 + iZiReps. Copyright © 2003 - 2009 Juliusz 'Julas' Gonera. All rights reserved.