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Informacje ogólne

Mini Map
średnia: 2.2 /10
głosów: 13
Kategoria: Cheat
Nazwa: BNet
Typ: Ladder 1vs1/FFA
Host: Battle.net
Zapisujący: mo0shim0, Wrzucający: NieZnamWas
Mapa: LostTemple
Nie masz mapy? Zajrzyj tutaj : Zbiór map Warcrafta
Gracze: 2
Długość: 18:26
Wersja: 1.21 Warcraft III - Frozen Throne
Dodano: 17:23:49, Friday 08. June 2007

Ściągnij teraz!(60 KB)
(ściągnięć: 218)

Oceny adminów
2  *Nicholas*


team 1 (loser   - zaznacz myszką aby zobaczyć zwycięzcę)
Orc nuju-Telek0.0tz (odśwież level) (yellow | 126 APM | 2319 actions | 18:25)
Hero icon 4 Blademaster
Ability icon 2 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike
Hero icon 5 Tauren Chieftain
Ability icon 3 War Stomp
Ability icon 2 Endurance Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey344
Basic commands2
Build / train49
Enter build submenu12
Enter hero's abilities submenu9
Remove unit from queue3
Right click935
Select / deselect247
Select group hotkey647
Select subgroup18
Use ability53
2319 total
» hotkeys
» units
Wind Rider12
31 total
» upgrades
Berserker Strength1

totally 2
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow6
Great Hall1
Voodoo Lounge1

totally 13
» build order
00:08 Altar of Storms
00:19 Orc Burrow
00:35 Barracks
01:29 Orc Burrow
02:47 Stronghold
03:30 Orc Burrow
05:25 Beastiary
05:27 Beastiary
06:36 Orc Burrow
08:30 Orc Burrow
10:35 Great Hall
10:57 Orc Burrow
12:09 Voodoo Lounge
» items
Boots of Speed1
Scroll of Town Portal1
Scroll of Healing1

totally 3

team 2 (winner - zaznacz myszką aby zobaczyć zwycięzcę)
Undead mo0shim0 (odśwież level) (orange | 48 APM | 882 actions | 18:26)
Hero icon 3 Death Knight
Ability icon 2 Death Coil
Ability icon 1 Unholy Aura
Hero icon 2 Lich
Ability icon 1 Frost Nova
Ability icon 1 Dark Ritual

» actions
Basic commands10
Build / train54
Enter build submenu30
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Give item / drop item3
Remove unit from queue1
Right click364
Select / deselect341
Select subgroup9
Use ability65
882 total
» units
Crypt Fiend5
Obsidian Statue3
27 total
» upgrades
Exhume Corpses1
Destroyer Form1
Skeletal Mastery1

totally 5
» buildings
Altar of Darkness2
Tomb of Relics1
Nerubian Tower2
Halls of the Dead2
Temple of the Damned1
Sacrificial Pit1
Black Citadel1
Spirit Tower1

totally 24
» build order
00:07 Crypt
00:12 Graveyard
00:41 Altar of Darkness
00:56 Ziggurat
01:22 Tomb of Relics
02:00 Ziggurat
03:25 Nerubian Tower
04:22 Halls of the Dead
04:56 Ziggurat
06:00 Ziggurat
07:11 Slaughterhouse
07:44 Temple of the Damned
08:10 Sacrificial Pit
08:38 Ziggurat
09:51 Black Citadel
10:11 Ziggurat
11:18 Ziggurat
11:20 Ziggurat
11:35 Necropolis
13:01 Nerubian Tower
16:10 Altar of Darkness
16:11 Halls of the Dead
16:19 Graveyard
16:25 Spirit Tower
» items
Rod of Necromancy1
Dust of Appearance2
Sacrificial Skull2

totally 5

Zapraszam do rejestracji i logowania... inaczej nie możesz dodawać komentarzy!


[21:06:56, Friday 08. June 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji

[21:28:19, Friday 08. June 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji
-_- omg nie bylo zadnego mh, (TAK!! MH! A NIE MP!), jestes po prostu noobem z 40 apm, zal mi ciebie, noobka ktory wyzywa lepszych od siebie -.-' jest taki hero jak bm -_- pozdro & pocwicz angielski
btw: hackmapa ahahaah

[08:28:54, Saturday 09. June 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji

[11:50:24, Saturday 09. June 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji

[13:10:58, Sunday 10. June 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji

[18:49:13, Thursday 14. June 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji
zal mi tych graczy ... i tych komentow ... widzialem repa zadnego mh nie bylo pozdro all

[19:46:53, Thursday 14. June 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji
nie bylo mh

[20:53:48, Thursday 14. June 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji
moshimo to noob z 40 apm i zwala na mh.... to jest timing dziecko

9: Dusk
[22:07:36, Thursday 14. June 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji
"go to sholl" >>> me :]

[00:15:23, Friday 15. June 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji

[09:01:13, Friday 15. June 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji

[10:58:25, Friday 15. June 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji

[17:58:40, Wednesday 18. July 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji

14: bona
[20:06:49, Wednesday 18. July 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji

15: Neddy
[22:57:52, Wednesday 18. July 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji
zadnego mh tu nie ma - skoro juz ktos odkopal repa i go niechcacy sciagnalem

16: Serek
[09:31:34, Saturday 21. July 2007] , Zgłoś do moderacji
szkoda ze nie ma oceny : 1

[17:41:58, Tuesday 11. March 2008] , Zgłoś do moderacji

Chat log

(00:21 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: hfhf

(02:09 / All) mo0shim0: race pls...
(02:14 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: orc
(02:21 / All) mo0shim0: ok i hope...
(02:30 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: what?
(02:35 / All) mo0shim0: u tell serious
(02:40 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: of course ;:D
(02:41 / All) mo0shim0: i hope ;<
(03:17 / All) mo0shim0: thx ;)

(05:32 / All) mo0shim0: always must be fuckin orc...
(05:38 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: ^^

(06:58 / All) mo0shim0: "LOL
(07:02 / All) mo0shim0: mp?
(07:07 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: of course -.-
(07:17 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: exe is your only way to win
(07:19 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: so i scout

(08:49 / All) mo0shim0: LOL
(08:57 / All) mo0shim0: of curse
(08:59 / All) mo0shim0: mp
(09:06 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: i will scout all the time
(09:09 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: bm ls lvl 3...

(13:52 / All) mo0shim0: whz maphack_
(13:54 / All) mo0shim0: _
(13:56 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: omg
(13:58 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: its my bm
(14:01 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: its his job
(14:02 / All) mo0shim0: why?
(14:04 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: to stealth arround
(14:10 / All) mo0shim0: why mp?
(14:20 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: i dont use map hack
(14:24 / All) mo0shim0: yes u us
(14:26 / All) mo0shim0: use
(14:30 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: watch the replay
(14:34 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: learn about arc
(14:36 / All) mo0shim0: i dont need u use mp
(14:38 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: and how to play it
(14:41 / All) mo0shim0: madafucker
(14:44 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: :D
(14:50 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: man ure funny^^
(14:52 / All) mo0shim0: just maphack so stfu
(14:59 / All) mo0shim0: im funny
(15:00 / All) mo0shim0: ok
(15:02 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: no just imba MU on imba map
(15:06 / All) mo0shim0: be cause u cheat
(15:26 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: bye ;)
(15:26 / All) mo0shim0: C
(15:28 / All) mo0shim0: lol
(15:37 / All) mo0shim0: just cheater
(15:47 / All) mo0shim0: relax man
(15:50 / All) mo0shim0: u are banned
(15:53 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: :D
(16:12 / All) mo0shim0: lol relax pls
(16:22 / All) mo0shim0: maphack
(16:22 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: oh i do relax
(16:28 / All) mo0shim0: u see me
(16:48 / All) mo0shim0: cheat man...
(16:54 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: hail no man...
(16:57 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: strategy
(17:01 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: knowledge
(17:02 / All) mo0shim0: why u noob cheat?
(17:05 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: blademaster
(17:10 / All) mo0shim0: i now u use mp
(17:24 / All) mo0shim0: mp
(17:29 / All) mo0shim0: 100% maphack
(17:30 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: what is mp?
(17:36 / All) mo0shim0: u just banned
(17:49 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: ehm man....your english....it sucks :(
(17:52 / All) mo0shim0: u must use some of programs to not be banned but i send replay
(17:57 / All) mo0shim0: lol
(17:59 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: would you please just leave ? ;)
(18:06 / All) mo0shim0: my english is good idiot
(18:15 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: yeah of course
(18:18 / All) nuju-Telek0.0tz: bye bye ;)
(18:24 / All) mo0shim0: go to sholl i report u noob :)

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Wykonano w czasie 0.02159595489502 sekund
Oparte na: PHP Warcraft III Replay Parser wersja 2.2 + iZiReps. Copyright © 2003 - 2009 Juliusz 'Julas' Gonera. All rights reserved.